
New Horse Stalls for Hutt Valley RDA

Jun 01, 2021

Hutt Valley RDA approached Outpost Buildings about stall options for sick or injured horses, after seeing a completed Outpost stall in their local area. 



The building they chose is the Hunter style Stable pictured here with Permanent Green Colorsteel roofing. The Hunter design has nice spacious stall sizes (4.2m x 3.6m) and a mono pitch roof. The roof height is 3m at the front which is great for large horses.  Here’s what Bronwyn, Centre Coordinator and Head Coach at RDA Hutt Valley had to say about it…

“We fell in love with the Hunter Stalls as they were larger than normal and very well constructed.

We looked at various other options but decided that the Hunter Stalls were the right type for our current environment (matched the look of our Hay Barn and Indoor Arena), the right price and easy to obtain and erect.

Outpost Buildings were very supportive to us through the consultation and pre-build stage and nothing was a problem when I asked some very non-builder type questions.

We were very lucky to secure some funding to purchase the kitset, and then to find a builder who would put them up. The stalls were completed in February 2021 and are now in use.

Thank you Outpost Buildings – you guys rock.

Bronwyn Hussey
Centre Coordinator and Head Coach”  

Hutt Valley RDA got some local builders to assemble their Outpost Hunter Stable kitset building. They laid a concrete foundation for it as they wanted it to be a permanent position for the building and they wanted low maintenance flooring. 

Rubber stable mats were also installed on top of the concrete floor of the stable to make it more comfortable for their horses. Rubber mats are easier to clean than gravel or concrete as they are not porous and can be hosed down or swept easily. A thick rubber mat provides great cushioning for the horses legs as well as insulation. Rubber mats are often used on top on concrete and usually come in the form of interlocking tiles that can be cut to fit your stalls or chosen area.


Pictured above: Construction is underway! Once the concrete pad was completed the Hunter Kitset Stable was assembled by the builders over a couple of days.

Hunter Stables from Outpost Buildings have a mono pitch roof line and strong plywood walls all round. Wooden walls offer more insulation than steel walls and so therefore are quieter and warmer for your horses. The high roof on the front of these stables and spacious stall sizes are great for large horses. The back wall of the stable is reinforced with plywood kickboards to reduce the risk of damage to the building or injury to your horses from kicking. Hunter Stables can be used as an open paddock shelter or with gates and rails added to make them into stalls as Hutt Valley RDA have.

Pictured below is an option available for the Hunter Stable to have a tack shed on one end instead of a second stall. The design can also be made 3 bays wide - 2 stalls plus a tack shed. Overall size: 7.2m x 4.2m x 3.0m high.

For more information on our range of Hunter Stables click here 



Hutt Valley Riding for the Disabled

Hutt Valley Riding for the Disabled is located in County Lane, Silverstream, Upper Hutt. They are affiliated to New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association. They cater to the Hutt Valley region from Te Marua to Eastbourne.

Each week over 55 volunteers willingly give their time and expertise. They ride 120 riders per week, and have 2 coaches dedicated to helping these riders achieve their goals. Each rider comes to achieve a special goal, whether it is therapeutic, educational, sporting or recreational.

Riding develops, improves and promotes:

  • balance, co-ordination, posture and muscle tone
  • concentration, self-discipline and self-esteem
  • perception and spatial awareness
  • communication and social skills
  • independence and decision making.

Riding for the Disabled caters for people of all ages who are physically and intellectually challenged. For more information on Riding for the disabled see their website:

Outpost have a great range of kitset Horse Stables and Paddock Shelters in a wide range of sizes and designs.

Click here to see our Horse Stables



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