
New Information Shed at Ambury Park Farm

Dec 11, 2022

Ambury Farm Park lies along the coast of the Manukau Harbour in the suburb of Māngere Bridge. It is a great place to take the family for a walk to see farm animals, birds and sea views. A number of Outpost Buildings can be seen scattered around the park.

Ambury Park Information shed

The information shed at Ambury Park is an Outpost Shed. The design has a lockable storage room on one end with an open shelter on the other where information signs are displayed out of the elements.

This shed design is usually used as a horse shelter with tack room but it was exactly what the team at Ambury Park were looking for.

Ambury Park Information Shed

Customer Testimonial:

“The Information Shed is the first point of call for visitors to the regional park. This is used for information boards and camper registration. The tack room part of the shed is lined and the open area sits on an aggregate base.

We are happy with the sturdiness of construction and are looking at getting another Outpost Shed.

Lawrence Thoms, Ambury Park”

 Ambury Park Information Shed Interior

Pictured above is a photo of the inside of the information shed at Ambury Park. They have fitted a light inside and an emergency phone. The shed provides shelter for the park information signs and camper registration. A clear roof panel provides enough light inside the shed during the day.


Ambury Park is home to many farm animals and some other Outpost Buildings too. There are sheep, pigs, cows, horses, ducks, chickens and more than 86 species of birds. Some of the farm animals are friendly so as you wander along the walking tracks you’ll notice some paddocks may have signs to let you know you can enter to get a bit closer to the animals.

Pig Hut at Ambury Farm Park

Pictured above is one of the pigs at Ambury Park having a snooze in their Outpost Pig Hut.


Other activities at Ambury Farm Park:

Lamb feeding

From mid-July there are new lambs to see at Ambury Park. Some of the lambs are bottle fed and you can watch them being fed at around 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday, and 8am, 12pm and 4pm on weekends.


You can see cow milking at Ambury Park from mid-July to early December. Many School groups visit the milking shed on weekdays so it’s a good idea to call in advance to check if there is space available for viewing on the day you want to go.

See the Ambury Park website for more information and to check times. 

Horse riding

Horse riding at Ambury Regional Park can be arranged through the Mangere Pony Club website. The club hold a licence with Auckland Council, so you do not need an Auckland Council horse riding pass.

Sheep Paddock Shelter at Ambury Park

The Outpost Livestock Shelters at Ambury Park are all relocatable, they are built on top of heavy-duty timber skids that you can hook a tow rope onto and drag around the paddock. This is great for moving shelters in between seasons so they are north facing to catch the sunshine in winter and then can be turned around to provide shade in the hot summer months.

The shelters in the photo above are Borderland Paddock Shelters, this size is 3.6m x 2.5m x2.5m high but there are other sizes available. For more information on the Borderland Paddock Shelter click here.

Ducklings at Ambury Farm Park

Pictured above is a duck with her ducklings at Ambury Park with the Outpost Information Shed in the background.

This design of the Information Shed at Ambury Park is:

Homestead Shelter with Tack Shed

  • Size: 5.8m x 3.5m x 2.9m high
  • Tack shed size: 1.5m wide x 3.5m deep x 2.9m high
  • Shelter size: 4.2m wide x 3.5m deep x 2.9m high

Click here for more information about this shed design >

 Homestead Shelter with Tackshed

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