There are many circumstances where having a relocatable shed over a permanent shed can be beneficial.
The most common benefits our customers mention to us are:
- Ability to relocate a building when they move properties
- Ability to reposition a building for convenience or repurposing
- Option of selling the building if needs change and it’s no longer required.
Whether we plan to stay living in the same place for long term or just short term there is no telling for sure that where you want to position your shed today will be where you want it in years to come.

Moving property?
Move your relocatable shed with you! Most Outpost buildings are relocatable. Large timber sheds can be lifted onto a hiab truck for easy relocation to your new property. Small Outpost sheds can be carefully winched or dragged onto a trailer with some help from some strong friends and a tow rope. So if you are moving property and want to take your Outpost shed with you then you can! This also makes Outpost Sheds a great alternative to ugly shipping containers.
Want to reposition your shed?
Outpost relocatable sheds can be repositioned easily. For many people especially those with a bit of land, their property is a bit of a project or work in progress. So if you need storage or a garden shed now but might need to move it in the future then choosing a relocatable shed from Outpost makes great sense. Outpost sheds can be dragged short distances by attaching a tow rope to the holes in the skid mounted base of the shed. Then carefully tow it over flat ground with a 4x4.
Take a look at our full range of Sheds >
No longer need your shed?
If your needs change in the future and you no longer need that extra storage shed or wood shelter, then an Outpost relocatable building gives you the option to on sell it. Outpost sheds are made to last the test of time so hold their value well. The well known and trusted Outpost brand will make it easy to on sell your building if you ever decide to.
What makes Outpost Sheds relocatable?
Outpost relocatable sheds are extra heavy duty designs to ensure that they maintain integrity of structure when moving from site to site. Outpost Sheds have a strong skid mounted base made from quality H5 treated timber so you can rest assured that they won’t rot for over 100 years. The skids have angled ends on them to make it easier to drag the building without catching on the ground. The timber framing is attached to the skids and the Zincalume or Colorsteel cladding on Outpost sheds is run horizontally to add to the strength of the building.
Windy site?
If you plan to position your Outpost relocatable shed in a windy site then we recommend you use some of our Wind Anchors. These hold your building down preventing the wind from moving it while still allowing your building to be relocated.
We have 2 different Wind Anchor options to choose from:
Click here for more info on Wind Anchors for large buildings (sheds, stables cabins)
A relocatable shed gives you the flexibility to reposition the building if you needs change in the future as well as the ability to get your Outpost Building loaded onto a truck for moving to a new property or on-selling.