Author: Lisa Smith
Raising backyard chickens in New Zealand is a rewarding endeavour, offering a steady supply of fresh eggs and engaging companionship. To ensure your flock thrives, it's essential to provide a balanced and nutritious diet tailored to their specific needs.

Commercial Chicken Feed
The foundation of your chickens' diet should be high-quality commercial feed, formulated to meet their nutritional requirements. Layer pellets or crumbles are ideal for laying hens, supplying the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health and egg production. These feeds are readily available at local agricultural stores and pet shops across New Zealand.
Supplemental Fresh Foods
In addition to commercial feed, incorporating fresh foods can enhance your chickens' diet:
Leafy Greens: Vegetables like kale, silverbeet, and dandelion greens are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Hanging these greens in the coop can also serve as enrichment, encouraging natural pecking behaviours.
Fruits and Vegetables: Offer fruits and vegetables in moderation, as treats. Avoid overfeeding high-sugar options like corn and fruits to prevent imbalances in their diet.
Protein Sources: Occasional treats like mealworms can provide additional protein, beneficial during molting periods or for growing chicks.
Calcium and Grit
Adequate calcium intake is crucial for laying hens to produce strong eggshells. Providing crushed oyster shells or baked and crushed eggshells in a separate feeder allows hens to consume calcium as needed. Additionally, access to grit—small stones or gravel—assists in digestion by helping grind food in the gizzard.
Foods to Avoid
Certain foods can be harmful to chickens and should be excluded from their diet:
Toxic Foods: Avoid feeding raw green potato peels, dried or undercooked beans, and avocados, as these can be toxic to chickens.
Mouldy or Spoiled Food: Never offer mouldy or spoiled food, as it can lead to health issues.
Feeding Practices
Implementing proper feeding practices ensures your flock remains healthy:
Consistent Access: Provide constant access to fresh feed and clean water. Ensure that feeders and waterers are placed in shaded areas to keep the water cool and are designed to prevent contamination.
Portion Control for Treats: Limit kitchen scraps and treats to what chickens can consume in about 20 minutes, ensuring their primary nutrition comes from balanced commercial feed.
Hygiene: Regularly clean feeding and watering equipment to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mould.
By adhering to these dietary guidelines, you can maintain a healthy and productive backyard flock, enjoying the benefits of fresh eggs and the delightful presence of your chickens.
About Outpost Buildings
Outpost Buildings produces kitset Chicken Coops in a range of sizes. They include durable weather resistant components made for New Zealand conditions with features such as ventilation, raised bases and easy access doors, providing you peace of mind on material quality and overall design. They are easy to assemble with step by step instructions and using standardised tools with all the necessary materials and fittings. This ensures a quick assembly using quality materials with no waste due to mis-measurement. For more information, read up on the kitset assembly process with Outpost.