
Replacement shelter for West Auckland Riding for the Disabled

Dec 14, 2023

When the West Auckland Riding for the Disabled (RDA) lost their former Outpost horse shelter in the severe Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle, they approached Outpost about a replacement shelter.

The centre, which operates on the Henderson Valley Park in West Auckland, is a volunteer organization that provides weekly therapeutic horse riding for 50 children with a wide range of disabilities and challenges. It is run with sixty volunteers aged from 16 to 101 years old.

Through therapeutic horse riding, they improve confidence, well-being and abilities of people facing challenges.

Children with developmental issues gain stimulation in all areas of function, those with physical disabilities benefit from the movement of the horse and those with social and emotional challenges experience a calm focus and learning experience that is truly unique and powerful in many ways.

So when the cyclone, which devastated parts of the North Island in February, ripped out the ground anchors from their horse shelter and the flood waters washed it over the boundary fence, it was a big loss to the centre.

Fortunately, all of their precious horses were moved to higher ground and kept safe but they were then left without shelter.

President Norma Hayward says they wanted to replace it with another Outpost shelter, as they were very happy with their last one.

The shelter is the HMS251 Homestead Horse Shelter, which is a medium size building.

Norma says they were fortunate to receive help from a team of Unitec/Te Pukenga construction students who helped them put the kitset together under the supervision of their tutor.

“The three students are working towards their New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills. We were very grateful for their support and our horses will be very pleased to have their shelter back,” she says.

To find out more about West Auckland Riding for the Disabled or how you can help, visit

Homestead Horse Shelter

Relocatable horse shelters are great for paddocks with no trees, to provide horses with shade and shelter from the weather. They also make great farm equipment shelters.

It is built tough with durable treated timber 6x2 framing and a heavy-duty 6x4 inch skid mounted base. It has exterior grade 15mm plywood end walls and corrugated iron or Colorsteel roofing with a 10-year guarantee. You can also add timber gates & rails to these designs to make holding stalls.

Visit for more information.

Riding for the Disabled

Riding for the Disabled was formally introduced to New Zealand in 1962 by the President of the New Zealand Pony Club Association. Today RDA in New Zealand is made up of over 50 groups affiliated to NZRDA.

There are RDA groups located in every region throughout the country, from Kaitaia in the north and way down to Invercargill in the South, who all aim to make a positive difference in local communities across New Zealand.

There are a number of ways that you can get involved from becoming a member, volunteer or donating to support their work. Visit or West Auckland Riding for the Disabled at to find out more.

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